Sheep are the New Bison

Two sheep stand in silhouette in front of a golden sunset.

In Ste. Genevieve Manitoba, Christel Lanthier and partner Joey Fiola raise sheep on their 120 acre farm. More than just providing resources like meat and wool, the grazing sheep aid in the regeneration of crops and sustainable farming practices.



Story by Jenny Foidart

Story map by Jenny Foidart with assistance from Kimberley Moore

Cover photo: Ferme Fiola Farms, Image of shetland sheep at dusk; Manitoba Food History Story Map recipe card by Kimberley Moore.


Lanthier, Christel. Interview by Jenny Foidart, 30 May 2023, Winnipeg, MB. Digital Audio Recording. Manitoba Food History Project at The Oral History Centre in University of Winnipeg.


Foidart, Jenny and Kimberley Moore. "'Sheep are the new Bison,' Historical Context and Parishes ." ArcGIS Map created for the Story Map, "Sheep are the New Bison." 2023. .

Moore, Kimberley. "Provincially Inspected Meat Processing Facilities in Manitoba, Canada, 2024." Carmen Manitoba is highlighted. ArcGIS Map. 2024. 

Written Sources

Daschuk, James W. Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life. (Regina: University of Regina Press, 2019).

Harlan, Edgar, and L. C Sutherland. “Driving Sheep from Kentucky to the Hudson's Bay Country.” The Annals of Iowa 15, no. 4 (1926): 243–53.  .

Peters, W. H, and F. W Crawford. The Farm Flock. Cihm/Icmh Microfiche Series = Cihm/Icmh Collection De Microfiches, No. 81785. Manitoba Agricultural College, May 1914.  .

Ross, Alexander. “Sheep Drive from Kentucky [to] The Red River Settlement.” Manitoba Pageant, 5 no. 2 (January 1960). Accessed July 24, 2023,  .

“Sainte-Geneviève et <<la poche aux lièvres>>.” Treasure of the Dawson Trails. Accessed August 1, 2023,  .

“The Manitoba Advantage in Sheep and Lamb Protein.” Manitoba Agriculture. Accessed August 1, 2023,  


Ferme Fiola Farms. “About Us,” Image of sheep surrounding a hay bail in winter, accessed September 1, 2023. 

Ferme Fiola Farms. “Farm History.” Louis Fiola of the farm at Ste. Genevieve, with daughter Diane on his knee.  . Accessed July 24, 2023.

Ferme Fiola Farms, “Gallery - Gallerie,” Image of a cat sitting near grazing lambs,” accessed September 1, 2023. 

Ferme Fiola Farms, “Gallery - Gallerie,” Image of four wool hanks in dark brown, white, and a mix of the two,” accessed September 1, 2023.

Ferme Fiola Farms, “Gallery - Gallerie,” Hay Stooks behind Rosaire’s barn 1989, accessed September 1, 2023. 

Ferme Fiola Farms, “Gallery - Gallerie,” Image of shetland sheep at dusk,” accessed September 1, 2023. 

Foidart, Jenny. Rose coloured crochet blanket in progress," digital photograph, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, June 7, 2023.

Gabriel Dumont Institute, "Manitoba, Red River Settlement ca. 1870," (2003).  (Accessed 06 September 202)

Hebert, Neil (National Parks Service,) "Bison Rut, Lamar Valley," digital photograph, Yellowstone National Park, July, 30, 2017. 

"Journey taken by agents of the Hudson's Bay Colonists 1832 - 1833," in L.C. Sutherland, “Driving Sheep from Kentucky to the Hudson's Bay Country.”  The Annals of Iowa  15, no. 4 (1926): 243–53.  Accessed August 1, 2023.

Peters, W. H, and F. W Crawford. The Farm Flock. Cihm/Icmh Microfiche Series = Cihm/Icmh Collection De Microfiches, No. 81785. Manitoba Agricultural College, May 1914.  , 6.


A Perogy Story