A Perogy Story


The Manitoba Food History Project conducted this research prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We express support for the Ukrainian people, regret for the loss of life, and respect for those in Canada and abroad preserving Ukrainian culture.


Food is an important cultural staple because it is something that everyone needs, and that everyone can connect with. Food weaves its way across generational lines that ties together the past, present, and future, and it is easy to connect to another person's culture and learn about it through food. One food that clearly illustrates this is the perogy.



Story and Map by Madison Herget-Schmidt

With assistance from Kimberley Moore



Joyce Sirski-Howell, interviewed by Janis Thiessen, August 8, 2019 in Dauphin, Manitoba. Digital Audio Recording. Manitoba Food History Project, "Dauphin Series," Oral History Centre Archive, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB.


Braun, Jennifer. "The Making and Breaking of Food Preservation Practices in a Rural Albertan Community." Rural Sociology 80, no.2 (2015): 228-47.

Holmes, Marcus. "Culture without the State? Reinvigorating Ukrainian Culture with Diaspora Efforts." Review of Policy Research 24, no.2 (2007): 133-54.

Jaffe, JoAnn, Michael Gertler. "Victual Vicissitudes: Consumer Deskilling and the (Gendered) Transformation of Food Systems." Agriculture and Human Values 23 (2006): 143-62. 

Library and Archives Canada, “Ukrainian,” edited 2020-03-06. Accessed March 2021.  https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/immigration/history-ethnic-cultural/Pages/ukrainian.aspx 

McWilliams, Mark. "Pierogis." In The Story Behind the Dish: Fifty Classic American Foods. Santa Barbara CA: Greenwood Press, 2012.

Moisio, Risto, Eric J. Arnould, Linda L. Price. "Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family Identity Through Homemade Food." Journal of Consumer Culture 4 no.3 (2004): 361-84.

Nahachewsky, Andriy. "New Ethnicity and Ukrainian Canadian Social Dances." Journal of American Folkore 115, no.456 (Spring 2002): 175-90.

Naleway Catering, "Naleway Catering: A Timeline," Accessed February 2021.  https://www.nalewaycatering.com 

Padilla Bravo, Carlos Antonio., Adriana Soto Robia., Achim Spiller. "The Homemade Food Market: An Empirical Analysis of Potential Factors Determining Consumer Behaviour." Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 4 no.1 (2014): 32-58. 

Peyton, Gabby. "Iconic Canadian Food: The History of the Pierogi." Food Bloggers of Canada. Accessed March 2021,  https://www.foodbloggersofcanada.com/iconic-canadian-food-the-history-of-the-pierogi/ 

Temelini, Walter. "Ethnic Identity: Italian Canadians or Canadianized Italians?" In The Leamington Italian Community: Ethnicity and Identity in Canada. 362-403. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019.


Sheep are the New Bison


The Paddle Wheel Restaurant