Icelandic Canadian Food In Manitoba

MHF_Map 1_ICFM.jpg

For Icelanders who chose to Anglicize and to adapt to their new country, food was important. It is tied to the preservation of their Icelandic identity and at the same time their adaptation to more Canadian ideals.



Story and Map by Madison Herget-Schmidt

With assistance from Kimberley Moore


Archives of Manitoba, Icelandic Canadian Frón Fonds, "The Winnipeg Icelanders" Einar Arnason Tape 1 of 2, 20 July 1988, C1646.

Archives of Manitoba, Icelandic Canadian Frón Fonds, "The Winnipeg Icelanders" Ingimar Bjornsson Tape 1 of 2, 27 November 1988, C1657. 

Archives of Manitoba, Icelandic Canadian Frón Fonds, "The Winnipeg Icelanders" Ragnar Gislason Tape 5 of 5, 19 March 1989, C1680. 

Bertram, Laurie K. "Public Spectacles, Private Narratives: Canadian Heritage, Campaigns, Maternal Trauma and the Rise of the Koffort (trunk) in Icelandic-Canadian Popular Memory." In The Material Culture Review 71 (Spring, 2010). 

Busby, Jim. "Frank Thorsteinson and the Winnipeg Falcons at War." In The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Published on 3, November, 2014. Accessed on March 24, 2018.

Busch, Jane C. "Learning by Pinches and Dashes: Using Cookbooks as Research Documents," History News 52, no. 2 (Spring 1997): 22-25. 

Charron Marc., and Renée Desjardins."Introduction: Food Language and Identity." Cuizine 3 no. 1 (2011). Accessed on March 24, 2018.

Epp, Marlene. "More than 'Just' Recipes: Mennonite Cookbooks in Mid-Twentieth-Century North America," in Edible Histories, Cultural Politics: Towards a Canadian Food History, eds. F Iacovetta, V.J. Korinek and M. Epp (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012), 173-188.

First Lutheran Church. "History,"

IODE Jon Sigurdson Chapter. Our Favourite Icelandic and Canadian Recipes. Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba: Icelandic Collection. Call #: Isl Ref TX715.6.097 198-?

Narfason, Dilla. Interview by Madison Herget-Schmidt, Gimli Manitoba, 29 December 2017, Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg. 

Sigurgeirson McKillop, Ingibjorg. Hecla Island Recipes. University of Manitoba: Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Icelandic Collection. Isl Ref TX 715.6 H43 1977.

Vignal (Thorson), Kristin. "Charles (Charlie) Thorson," Icelandic National League of North America, June 4, 2013:


A Cup of Coffee in the Desert