
Announcing our new logo!

The Manitoba Food History Project logo was designed by research team member Kimberley Moore, Adjunct Professor and Programme Co-ordinator at the University of Winnipeg’s Oral History Centre

"I hope the logo speaks for itself. That's the whole point of a logo! Ours is an old idea in a relatively new format. I thought that seemed appropriate for this project. I hope people like it. Or really hate it. I'm fine with either if it makes people curious about what we're doing."

The logo uses the official colours of both the University of Winnipeg and the Oral History Centre: red and white.

"I was a bit obstinate about it being red and white – bright red and white. As well as being the dominant colours of our project partners, red and white is the basic colour scheme of the 'fun food group': candy stripes, popcorn boxes, ice cream parlours, concession stand awnings, gingham table cloths. It's basic, but it works."

Support for the logo design was provided by the University of Winnipeg's Communications department. Thank you to Eric Roddy for his work doing the graphic design.

Look for the logo on the Food History Truck, which makes its debut in Steinbach at the Mennonite Heritage Village this summer, 17 June to 7 July 2018!

Janis Thiessenfeature