mmm… Manitoba


CONCLUSION: Beyond Manitoba Food History

Manitoban Cookbooks



Choke Cherry Jelly

Two 10lb pails of choke cherries

10 green apples


Wash and [split] apples in quarters leaving skin on.

Cook with about ½ quantity of water + boil till soft.

Mash and put in jelly bag and drain overnight.

Measure the juice and put 1 ½ cups of sugar to every cup of juice.

Add 1 envelope of pectin to every 4 cups of juice.

Place Pectin in cold juice and bring to a boil.

Have sugar measured and in a warm place.

When liquid boils add sugar and boil 4 or 5 minutes.

Take off and seal.

Gooseberry Platz

1 cup cream (I use whipping)

1 egg

Mix well (like a pie dough).

Place on fairly large greased pan, using up sides. (I roll the dough & stretch it to shape.)

Put on a layer of gooseberries (apples can be used too).

* Over gooseberries I sprinkle about 1/2 cup sugar before topping.



3 eggs

pinch of salt

5/8 cup of flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp baking powder (scant)

Beat eggs with vanilla, gradually add sugar, pour over gooseberries.


375˚ 25-30 min. 

Saskatoon Conserve

 Wash & cut up 7 lbs rhubarb & cook with 7lbs sugar until thoroughly cooked.

Put 4lbs Saskatoons & 1 lemon through food chopper and add to rhubarb.

Let cook ½ hour longer.

Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Makes 7 1/2 qts.